
我又拍拖了。。。。^^ ~ 嘻嘻。。。

一定会持久滴 !嗯 ~ 我相信会滴 ! =)

我这个星期五要去 Port Dickson 了哦。。。。所以你是不会看到我上网滴 ~
星期一才回来 ~ 我会很想念你们滴 ! 尤其是你 ~~~~ =P
明天有人生日了哦 ~~~~ wakakakakka ~ 生日快乐 ! =D
希望你能够天天都那么开心阿 ~ ^^

你好些了在找我好吗 ?

为了我们滴友情,我会等你的 ! 我的姐妹~~~

我发现了一件事 。。。。

对他, 我好像越来越有好感了喔。。。。shhhhhhhhh.......记得帮我保守秘密。。。。
这,将会是个不能说的秘密。。。。我既然写在这里咧 ~ 你可不要说出去喔 ~ =P

记得啊 !!=X


这, 是喜欢他的现象吗?

每次上网第一个找的人就是他。。。 ( 除非在我上网前就有要找的人啦 )

宣言,我是不会说写给谁的。。。让你们自己猜吧 ~
可是不要乱猜喔。。。。等下猜错 ! 误会我喜欢你。。。。那就不好啦。。。。=P
听起来还真是自恋的我啊 ~~ xD

今天, 我分手了。。。

旧的恋情没了。。。只好等待新的 ~ =X
该为他伤心的 ~ =)

学校最后一天上学,放假咯 ~~~ yay !! 好开心啊 ~ =D
因为不用读书了。。。可可。。。 =P
今天也是我们学校庆祝教师节的一天喔 ~
开头是有点闷啦。。。因为要听老师说废话。。。。这个给完 speech 就到那个给。。。
要讲都给我们坐其它地方吗。。。。sit at wet padang floor....好彩我朋友有多出来的报纸而已啊。。。XD

今年的 performance 很好笑,很好看因为超精彩滴 ~~~ 哈哈。。。
我很喜欢他们的sketch。。。很爆笑的哦 ~
老师和学生一起演滴 ~~~ =P
尤其是老师。。。她竟然扮学生。。。很像咯 ~ 超可爱滴 ! =P
跟学生演坏学生逃课,tic-tac-toe 老师的车。。。。 XD 哈哈。。。。
跳舞的也很不错哦 ~
我看到 tze wei 他们跳。。。心想,他们还真会扭啊 ! =P shhhh....wakakkakakaka....

终于都看到了涵阳他们的表演了 ! =P
哈哈。。。。很可爱 ~~~ 尤其是他们在唱自己 cipta 的 歌那时。。。。XD 哈哈。。。
竟然跳起舞来了~ 很可爱吧 ?? xD
然后他们有表演 flag dance ~ very nice ! nice one guys !! =D
我的脸还真的是跟其他人的手有缘啊。。。。一个星期不懂要给人捏几次 ! =S
好惨啊。。。。今天有中招了~ =|
可可。。。。今天好像有人帮我“遮风挡雨”在我的身旁。。。谢谢你! =P 哈哈。。。。

个习惯啦。。。。万一有一天真的上了去怎么办 ?!?! O.o
刚才突然间觉得好累好累啊。。。就这样在床睡着了 ! =X
醒来时看东西朦朦的。。。。=S lens 走位了吗 ??看镜子又没有啊。。。 好彩迟点好回了~ =D

惨了! 不懂做什么了。。。。都怪YKS的乌鸦嘴。。。。我好像真的给他讲中了!

对他,我好像根本就没有拍拖 FEEL 的。。。==''

我,我才会这样想的吧。。。我觉得我跟刚认识不久的朋友还有更多话题聊呢 !
很多人都跟我说他是个 PLAY BOY 。。。。而且有谣言说他外面还有另外一个女友!
都不懂该不该信好 ! =/

我已经有两个 EX 是这样的了。。。。我不想要再一次的历史从演 !
如果在这样的话,我就会有三个 EX 都是一脚踏两船的人。。。( 应为如果他一脚
的好不好 ?!?!

做回朋友?? 还是什么??
我的这段恋情也未免结束的太快了吧 ~ =|

tis is so freaking boring !

a total new record...today whole day class aso like no ppl 1....T^T cuz the other students either din come or examin at the hall ~~~
just 6 of us in class....but basically 4 oni....cuz the other 2 went sumwhere else bertugas ~
me, ju, suren, kishen....all chit chat whole day ! xD in the class....and the library...
talk wat ?? nonsense oni la....we talk crap there oni...came up with stupid topics...
topics like the way skool ppl dresses....teachers,lalas.... example for teacher , the famous miss "SLIM" ... yes ! we comented on her sixties boots again ~ lol =P

suren was askin y on earth lalas love to wear shorts tats freakin short n long sleeves shirt....wat he said next really made me laughed...

" what ?! they were cold up n hot down there ?? "

let him za dao ! xD
then kishen starts off with his pink issue ~ LOL
kishen is offended with guys tat wear pink....( how bout U ?? )
especially after he found out tat suren has pink undies...or maybe even a pink shirt ~
he just find them gay or sumtin...
well, if u noe suren....u will definitely noe wat he'll do next....yes ! FIGHT BACK ~
he's askin everyone wat's wrong with guys in pink....include teacher =X
later, our topic even changed to abs...xD

we went to the library durin sivik....not to read books but continue to chit chat....
we were talkin there n then suddenly suren wants to sleep....so he put his head lyin on my lap ... which is damn freakin ticklish ! i can't stop laughin....laughed till i stomachache edi...=S
so at last changed to he sleepin on ju's lap....but he cant really sleep....cuz it hurts ju n suren say no flesh on her lap....lol ! does tat means i have too much ? xD hahahahahhahaha.....hu cares la ~ lalalalalalala ~
he says he needs to sleep higher up for more flesh....xD
we took funny pics....( yea, sumbody brought phone ~ lol ! shhhhh..... xD * note : NOT ME ~ )

and of course....u can imagine our volume in the library....
haha....kena marah frm librarians....actually not yet even a full librarian....but hu cares....the point is we kena yelled at....she keep on repeatin

" SIREN, PLS !! "

lol ! she needs to improve on her communicating way....she's becomin like miss "SLIM" and her " covarent bom !" *laughin like mad ( sorry, no offense... )
i mean, come on la, if she edi can't pronounce properly, can't she speak in a more polite manner that wouldn't annoy all of us ??
she should learn frm her junior, " please keep quiet... " (tis is much better ~ much more better than the stupid yellin girl... =='' )
ju was obviously pissed off....she, well, scolded her back.... xD

then after recess we went to kiaramas skool....
FREAKIN bored there....nth to do aso....just wonder around the skool compound.....took some leaflets bout the colleges....
i found out tis group of ppl gossipin bout me....( can they be ever more obvious ? )
wat u wanna ask or say then just tell infront of me la...@~@
our skool ppl ! haih....
in the bus i was still doing my stars....crap ! hands BENGKAK edi....T^T soooooo pain ! sob...sob....

LOL ~ ( chun han....i mentioned ur name here !! xD )
i din bully u la.....i treat u so gud u summore say wanna drive car n bang me....wat la u....if i really involved in accident , then everyone will noe find hu first ( especially the police... ) * choy ! touch wood ~
next week is ur b'day le oh....skip Pn.Goh's class summore hor....naughty ! xD
haha....anyways, happy advanced birthday first....INCASE ur forgetful friend, ME ....forget .... =X
i tertidur with my lens on today....luckily din went up oni...xD
take out right side no problem....but leh....left side haih...
is like takin forever....eyes aso red edi....n i poke my eyes by accident ! ouch !!! =S
darn it.... =|

n today she's soooooooo not in the right mood....
keep on throwin things oni....swt la....
first is glass bowl then is mirror....
i actually wonder why she wanna throw them at the first place....breakin them herself n have to pay to buy a new one again...wat's the point...@~@''
n she actually threw the damn mirror at me....after tat i have to clean up for her summore....
really wanna choke her tat very moment....if sum 1 passes me a knife tat time....i really might stab her....arghhh....



yesh ~~~~~~~ woohooo !!!!! *jump n touch the ceiling (as if i can.... )

high 5 ppl ~~~ NO MORE EXAM !
muahahahahha....exam free....stress free ~~~ no need sleep at 12 a.m. plus n wake up at 4 a.m. anymore....well, at least for now... yay ~ so happy !! =D here i come my comp ! muackz ~ =P keke *over excited ....

can relax edi...phew ~
i m stickin myself to the comp now ! dun care....xD
no seni again today....stayed back for nth ~
form 5 still have exam ....gambateh ppl !
when i stay back i kena cubit....again....WCL !!!!!!
my pitiful face was pinched three times tis week ~ ouch....ke lian....ke lian....haih....
tomorrow got rukun negara oh....n i haven learn the sign languages....crap !
i was plannin not to go skool 2 moro...since tat most of them din go....mana tau....i forgot liao esok i kena plan activities for the club members....T^T

holidays are just around the corner ~

lookin forward to go out with friends....
actually our table punya ppl say wanna go out eat buffet 1....tak tau tis time berjaya a not la....haha....must watch budget summore....cuz maybe goin out a few times....summore i was actually plannin for my second bakin experience 1 leh ! but hor....everyting is about money...grrr.....tis world ah....money, money, money...no money no talk type 1....cash is the prob now....
let's figure tat out later....hmmmm.....=/

i wanna bake again ~~~~ lalalalala ~ but dunno can a not la...see got budget a not first....=P

ok, i misunderstand edi....he din no reply me on purpose....just tat....maybe he reply a bit slow....i need to set my mind properly edi....cannot keep on simply tink ~ =S

nothing much happen to me today...cuz i spent my "wonderful" day with my "wonderful" history book....damn it....made me so freaking sleepy.... =="
they can be the best bed time stories the world has ever known....
if u r lack of sleep....dun worry ~ here's the solution !
buy urself a history text book....start flipping....
read the first few lines of the first page....u will start to feel drowsy....
eyes gettin heavier....very very heavy....n u will feel freakin sleepy !! man....they can really hypnotize u easily...trust me on tat... =X

jie they all came today....had dinner....freakin full....eat roasted duck some more....i sure gain weight T^T sob....sob.....
lol ~ i love the cincau ! yesterday we drank....now u noe y aunty dun make it for us on weekdays cui ~~~ lalalalala ~~~~ =P keke...

xxx called me again....while i was studyin ...we talked for quite long....though i have no idea wats the point of the whole conversation....he's praisin me.... is he drunk again or wat ?? =S
cuz he sounded different frm the way he usually talk to me....hmmmm.....i wonder why....b4 tis xxx saw me in skool but acted like nth ever happened...i dunno him , he dunno me....we're total strangers.....as if i were transparent....he can't see me....but now, he suddenly talk to me again...wat's goin on now....

is it a gud thing or a bad thing to have a bf tat wants to tie u up ?

it may be gud cuz this proves tat he cares for u n was afraid tat other ppl might steal u away frm him....
but !
at the same time, it might be bad if he is the jealousy jealousy type....
no...no...no...no....dun misunderstand....not jealous because u flirt with other ppl...if u flirt he jealous is normal....n u r definitely wrong...
but u din flirt or anytin ! u r just plain chattin with a friend....n he is jealous....at the same time he dun allow u to talk to ANY OTHER GUY ever again....
JUST NO ~~~~~ @~@"
he oni allows u to talk with girls....isn't tat a bit too protective ? he seems to be tying u with ropes ! n the ropes are definitely NOT loose ropes.... =S

well, tis is happenin to me now....m i suppose to be glad or be sad now ? i knew he cared la....but tis type is a bit too much isn't it ?? =/

i tink i should share this with u all....cuz i found it very touching.... =)



















disappointed ....

he did not reply my sms....wat's wrong now ?? he din receive or dun wanna reply me....
we rarely talk ! wat the....
is tis how it's suppose to be ?? O.o
me, NO IDEA.... =/

my friend told me, guys n girls are diff...at the startin point...guys usually gave in more effort....but later, girls are doin all the work....well, this is mostly wat happens....is tat it ?? *doubts....

dun tell me tis is the end of it and we're startin n endin so fast .... =x well, let's hope not then....
hope tat he'll reply me soon then.... *hoping eagerly....
i've been checkin my phone like nearly every second now....n everytime....disappointments....tats always wat i get back....

add maths totally sucks ! arrgghhhhhh !!!! come on ppl ....some 1 need to band tat damn subject !
i left most of my papers blank....great....no need score....prepare to fail....tat is my WEAKEST subject of all....i wonder wat m i gonna do with it when SPM comes....ok amy, tis is thinkin a bit far....forget it...
moral....oh no....i actually did member all the stupid kata kunci n definisi....but then, as i start writin on my paper....they seems to be vanished into thin air....lost n gone ~ =S
crap !

add maths....the most disastrous ting on earth ! =X

last 15 mins oni i started on my essay for moral....n then i wrote till the third paragraph oni realize tat my essay was in WRONG FORMAT....great ....tis is JUST GREAT ! =/
last five minutes....finished off my last paragraph in the correct way....cancelled off the whole second paragraph except the contoh...add in words here n there n join with the first 1....it's kinda messy.... =X damn it....dunno can score a not 1...all the nilai n kata kunci i aso not sure edi....keep on doubting my answer during the examination....

i got my lens yesterday....n i wear it today ~~~~ woohoo ~~~~ =P
ok, i'm still not used to see myself in pic with lens....looked....DOLLY ??
lol ~ add maths teacher saw my eyes n asked me am i a chinese.....hahahahahhahaa.....
the takin out part made my left eyes turn red....keep on peel aso dun wan come out....grrrrhhhh....geramnya ~
just pray tat i wont get infection or stuff like tat ..... if not whole thing no use edi....xD
cuz my dad got b4.... so, u noe...genetics...scare i have too ~ =S

lol ~ nvr expected WCL to do tat outside the bilik guru today....
learnin Jay Chou's Secret....he points at my face when i turned around....hahahhahaha....so cute of him....LOL !
but then later kena cubit....ouch ~ =S
i wonder why so many ppl like to cubit my face ah.....i 16 edi leh ! summore kena cubit muka.... =X
haha....talkin bout pinchin face....memories flows back....
i suddenly remembered my primary skool teacher at kajang....
he's the PK HEM....also...my moral teacher....i was a prefect tat time....at the age of ....erm....9 or 10 like tat la....he likes to pinch me....damn it....dunno y....eh ...eh...eh....U adult la....behave ! pinch ur students....wanna die ah...later i sue u then u noe....everytime i see him i sure turn around n walk away 1....cuz he CONFIRM ! will cubit me....=/

definitely not me ~ xD i din kena so teruk YET....xD

i accepted him....
a significance of my brand new start....
my new life...

why sounded so dramatic....xD let's not be too formal shall we ??

i started of a brand new relationship....when ?? yesterday....=P haha...dun ask me why choose to start this relationship off when i m half way exam-ing ....i aso tak tau kenapa la.... =x iish....i memang ada prob punya la...xD
he is clement ! my dear ~~~~~~~~~ muackx ! =P

tis is him ~~~~~ =)

i told tis to looi, pf they all....n they started laughing like NON-STOP.... =S
wat's wrong ??? O.o'' *skeptical look....

i m blur ~
i have no idea wat's so funny....
but later they compared clement with B****** ....hell NO !

......... puhleeze la....
B****** is way way way more worse....n clement is definitely
way betterthan pocket koyak too....
those other 2 were NEVER in my list la...pls...dun even mention their names...someone might just cough out blood u noe ?? xD

B****** wanna be catogarized as a playboy ? no no no no no....he din have the qualities n characteristics...tak layak...FAILED ! * ding...ding ...OUT ~

exam was....haih....u noe la....never seems to be better...this war is gonna last for a long time summore....load up ur bullets to tembak with me ppl ! =P

2 moro is crappy...chem paper 3, physic paper 3 n bio paper 3 all together 1 shot ! wat the heck ?!?! =S

OMG ~~~~~ haven study....die....=/
any1 have suggestions on improvin memory to memorize those crazy experiments.... =o

lol ~ just now talk to my friend on msn....we doodle on net....hahahha.....very cute drawings lor....=P
he say me dun jadi like loan shark....then i say i worse....
n he drew a shark ( which dun look like 1....it looked like some erm....barney to me ?? hahaha....but a very cute version of me....wat's barney ? the purple dinasour on tv....xD )
since tat he say i m a shark....
i drew back him a small,dead fish...haha ( him ) i ate him...he's dead...=P then he drew a bigger fish sayin tats the mum of his seekin revenge frm me....ate me up...=x
then i drew back a blue whale....ate the mum ! xD wakakkakaka
he drew a boat...comin to catch the whale....i drew back a polis.... caught him for tryin to kill animals on the verge of extinction....X)
he drew me a lawyer to come n save him n i drew back a judge tat found him guilty ! =P

he drew himself naik gila....fighting to speak up for himself while i drew him a polis holding gun ...move anymore n the bullet will pass through u....xD wakakakkaka ( guna paksa sedikit... )
at last he drew himself dead.....kena gun shot...lol ~ i guess he's too stubborn....still wanna talk back....
so the end ---- he's DEAD.... =x awwww.....sad for u ?? haha....xD

his lawyer.... =x

vs my judge ?? xD

the blue whale mangsa ~ X)

my police with gun ! =P
this is just gonna be a short blog...
let me tell u wat happened minutes ago....

oh my god !
this is ....so so so so so freaking HILARIOUS.... xD
i just mistaken someone else as my DAD ?!?!?! wat the heck....yea....
this is so freakin embarrassing lor....
i m in a totally OMG ----- shocked status.... =x

cuz he's havin the same name as my dad mah....wat to do....of course will misunderstand one la...=x
i thought my dad was usin someone else's pic and lied to me to check on me....xD wakakkakakaka....
luckily i called him later....then oni realize it was 2 different ppl....just coincidence oni la...xD
scare dao me....lol ~
i somemore reply his sms wat u noe ?
haha....smart....wat if mummy know ??
aiya, something like tat la....xD

cuz my parents divorced mah....mummy wont let dad find me without her permission one....
sms me without her permission is lagi impossible la....so i thought my dad use other ppl pic just to trick me lor...xD
yea...yea....laugh all u want....okie ? had enough of laughter ?? xD

tat's all frm me ! =P shhhhh..... ;)

stupid exams....

u noe....sometimes i really do wonder hu on earth created these damn exams.... how i wished tat someone had killed Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton....fellas like these....before they found out anything... see wat they did to our life ?? make our life miserable oni....exam time....study study n study....make us remember SOOOOOOO much of their theories oni....really "thank you" la....@~@ man....are they crazy or wat ? last time too free is it ? go n explore tis explore tat....and now we have to study wat they explored pulak....aiks ! horrible-nya ~~~ =S

i was busted !

arrggghhh....not my fault la ! gor saw xxx call me during night....around midnight time somemore...shit ! busted ~~ busted ~~ busted ~~ dead ~~ dead ~~ dead ~~
i can't believe this....ugh ! i just thank God that so far he still haven't tell aunty about IT....i can't imagine wat will happen to me if tat happen.... xxx confessed....infront of him ! basically, it's just like to him cuz he's the one listenin...O.O'' wat the..... yea , i noe...damn unbelieveable.... damn it ! the prob is i cant warn xxx about it...i wanna tell xxx that he's here edi....stop callin.... but mana tau his eyes so sharp....saw he's callin....he ans the phone....yea ! he took my phone ! how can he ?!?! wat rights he have ?!?!?! damn....i m so mad bout it....

phone confiscated....=S

and guess wat ? the worse is yet to come......=/

he took papers and started writing down questions that he wanna noe n asked me to translate it on the phone...wat the hell ?! so now he's tryin to control me too ?!?!? O.o''
great ! now xxx will never know tat he's actually talkin to my babysitter's son....swt ! i cant really hear xxx cuz he's listenin to him most of the time....so, my job is just the talkin part....well, he made me said lots of hurting words....great ! now he's tryin to make me feel guilty....kill me !

exam was a DISASTER....a total failure....
physic....i did quite badly.... not to mention chemistry...tat's worse ..... calculation part...i was totally blank....blur edi...watever tat i had learnt seemed to have ran away from me....watever tat i had read....they just...just...vanished into thin air.... GREAT....tis is just great ! i kept on thinkin bout the consequences i will receive when i reach home during the examination...can't even concentrate....i m oni doin question no 20+ and by tat time, i oni left back around 15 minutes....wat the heck ?! 50 questions leh....so i sped up like mad...didn't reallly read the question properly...just tried to spot the points.... today, i got a bit TOO EMOTIONAL during exam....


yea, i cried...unbelieveable rite ??
why i cried ? because of the stupid exam question....
no, not because it's way too difficult or something....it's just tat the question itself remind me of something....something tat happened exactlly onto me....it just reflected the exact situation out...the moment i read that question...i knew i m gonna write tat for my essay in section B....
it was continue-ing story essay....
i dun member the question edi...let me go check...brb ~
aha ! found it... write a story begins with " i was not sure why, but she has stopped talking to me..."
goodness sake ! wat's tis ?? some kind of deja vu ?? O.O ~
i think bout it oni....my eyes started to fogged with tears....
i was so into my story....tat i really cried out....i can't believe it too...xD

depressed mode....

so dull.....

but i didn't manage to put in wat happened in reality to tat story cuz it's time consumin piece if writing....my first essay edi took up 1 hour ++ i m edi super late to start off my second 1....crap....i doubt tat i will have a good piece of writin now.....
i was thinkin on one word....and till after exam oni i manage to find out wat i wanna write....
i actually wanna say i hurled the cup to the mirror...but i forgotten the word hurl....i oni member something h and l....crap....so at last i wrote threw....ewwww....it ruin my essay ! lol ~ no la....not tat over la....but still doesn't sound tat nice edi lor...like i have some cacated grammar oni.... =(

at tuition, add maths teacher is just so funny...he's the damn perasan type of guy....but at the same time, hilarious...
he keep on askin the indian fella in our class to slim down and said lots of things criticizing that poor fella....sayin his tummy is drum ( aka....the fats ) and stuff....n giving him names like "a-ne"....xD everyone just can't help but laugh...wakakakakaa.....sorry for tat, but it's just difficult to control....don't u tink so....=P
he tends to say he has six packed abs... and when another dude in my class say he has seven....
my teacher of course dun like lor...very ?? ppl more geng then him mah...so say he's imbalanced one....tak normal punya org...he said lots of things criticizing him...the scene was HILARIOUS !

hilarious class....xD

as for eng class....teacher told us her life changing decission when we're learning bout "The Road Not Taken" ....her story was, well, interesting....it was about her n tis charming fella....details, u dun need to noe....conclusion, they din turn out to be together...=X oh well, maybe she did the right choice after all ~ go teacher ! and when we're doin our exercise...the girl behind me suddenly sneezes....so my eng teacher says bless u.... LOL ! the funny thing is ....another guy at back there...i dunno he jealous or wat la...wants the same attention frm teacher...so he aso fake a sneeze ...a sneeze tat's so fake....even a three year old can realize tat...oh wait...or is it a cough ?? aiya, i dun member liao la....watever it is.....it's either of it oni ...xD so teacher aso plaster on her akward look n say bless u too....wakakakkakakaka .... the whole class were laughing like MAD ~ haha....how i love tuition now ! ok....except the part when add maths teacher come walkin around checkin on ur work...see u noe how to solve a not....over all...it's ok....

i LOVE tuiton ~~~~ weee ! ^^

oh ya, sze...show u how's the abc soup colour...wakakaka....and i m totally influenced by sze now....i m addicted to mi sedap !!! ahhhhh ~~~~~~~ they's just ....just....just so.... SEDAP ?? lol ~~ xD i went out to buy baking stuff with cui for her mum....and i go and buy mi sedap...lol ....i can't believe tat i actually bought it....lol ....sze influence pf....then influence me....i wonder i will influence hu...wakakakka.... recomended to u too ~ =P very yummy !!! keke....X) we went to jusco n bought bread b4 tutiton....frm Bee's ~~ =P then i took out the sticker n sticked onto my pencil case.... =) and i din even realize tat sze actually took her's n stick onto my shirt....=S luckily at last took out edi....then now both of it was on my handmade book mark ~ X)

the abc soup....

i love my pencil case ~ =3

bee's sticker ~ =P

i love the bread i brought frm there tat day .... =D

i bought tis ! =x

tis is wat happened to the sticker later....haha....on my book mark ! =P

handmade book mark....i draw one oh ! =)

alrite....tats all for today ! ;)


happy mother's day to all the mothers on earth.... X)

awww.....i missed mummy ! =(
hmmm....how i wish i really can celebrate with her....i've missed soooooooooo many years of celebration edi....T^T * sob...sob...

my message to mummy :

" 妈妈, 母亲节快乐...

谢谢您这么多年以来的照顾...您是最好的! 我爱你 ~ muackz ! "


i wonder how's sze's celebration goin ??
sze ~~ do they like the cake ??? xD
waiting for the pic with filling on top....member send me ...and member to bring my cake ~ =P

ahhhhhhhh ~~~~~~~~~ my exam !! they're coming...shoo....shoo....go away...pls....i beg u !! =(
how i wish i can freeze the time....just like the movies do....=P
since today is mother's day....i bought aunty nanny something to eat lor....my mum aso say b4 mah....ppl take care of me...buy her something la.... X)
i have no idea y i felt so so so so so so so sleepy today...=S
i slept basically the whole day....=X
at church while waiting for mich's parents, i m sleepin....come back i continue sleeping....aiks ! i dun wanna become pig... =X
and i sleep till 6 something in the evening near 7 nite ! wat ?!??!?! how m i gonna sleep tonight ?! O.O''

i'm sleepy ~~~~ *yawn ~

freeze the time ~~ X)

i chatted with ben yesterday....just a short conversation...n i reminded him tat standard 6 tat time i accidentally splashed him some water ... =X

sorry !!!!!!!

i didn't meant tat....itu suren's fault la !
hide hide hide....kena ben edi.... SUREN ! say sorry ~ xD
i member tat time i kena marah teruk teruk frm ben....=S so scary .... =X
i became so timid....dun dare to look at him edi....xD
then go home fast fast sms n keep on sendin him SORRY ~ hahahahahahaha.....

water splashing accident.... =X

sorry ben ~

i missed last time....so sweet...so fun ~ no worries....so rajin....xD
LOL ! really....i meant it....not to puji sendiri rajin...=P
the older we grow as time passes by....the more lazy we seems to get....

last time hor....when UPSR teacher give lots of homework aso we do without complaining 1....
somemore can finish 5-6 karangan in 1 day....
now hor....u wan us to do 1 karangan aso we'll keep on begging teacher not to give....
giving her the shocked expression " HAR ! "
and say.... " Cikgu.....dun la....kita banyak homework edi...."
true wat....not meh ??
and hor....u notice a not ??
when u r younger ...ur bag is much heavier...looked as if u brought bricks to skool....
now hor...the bag ....u wan it to be...the lighter the better !
macam tak de buku pun got ada orang bring to skool one.....

a teen's life ! should be relaxing ~ agree ??

we tend to bring "bricks" to skool....don't we ?? X)

wat they keep ?? i aso dunno....bottle oni gua....xD
is tis one of the difference tat will happen to u when u enter teenage life ? LOL ~ well, it seemed to be one to me....xD
my "twin" gila gila sikit edi....
tis two nite aso start the conversation with a gud nite....wakakkakaa ( talkin bad bout u ! ) =P
well, he's having the same old prob again...GIRLS....haih ! jia you oh twin ~ =)
u will just have to close ur eyes n endure with it edi la....go go go ~~~
ahem ! my warning to u first ah....






that's all, promise k ?? :)

2 moro all form 5 exam le oh....加油 oh ppl....gambateh !! ;)
pray for u all....go ppl !! ltk ~~ gambateh aso oh... X)

lastly, good luck ppl ~ ^^
ku zailan's extra class was .... to be honest... BORING ~ gosh ! how i wanna sleep....struggling to keep myself awake....== today went to sze's house bake after ku zailan's extra class.... brought all the utensils over n even ---- the oven ....lol , yea....a little too over isn't it ?? xD

so freaking sleepy in his class....

we had two feelings :
- success as well as failure...yea...i noe....weird huh ? xD LOL ~ tat's cuz the apple pie cheesecake was successful ...BUT, the chocolate chip cookies were a total failure, a disaster...
we started off mixing all our ingredients....F.Y.I, butter tat's not really melted is really difficult to beat...=S take so much effort....but the result was quite satisfying though... =)
we went to buy apple pie filling to add on top of the cake after it's done before going home...we went to the newly opened bakery shop... ( u can get everything u need to bake a cake here.... they have it ~ O.O ) besides buying apple pie filling, we aso bought some treat for ourselves...=P yogurt ice cream ! yummy yummy ~ =P it's really delicious...u should try it urself when u have the time too.... recomended to do so ~ ;)

the yogurt ice cream is something like tat ~ make ur choice...cone or cup...=)

it didn't appear to look like wat i expected it to be...

don't the white thingy look like taufu to u ?? xD

it may look a bit yucky before mixing everything...xD

and we kena tipu by chung....the lemon she gave us was....mostly spoiled....luckily there's still a portion that's usable and we oni need 1 tablespoon ....phew ~ thank god....*relief we create a mess on the table....xD hu cares...we'll clean up ! xD after making the base for the cake....i took the fork and poke holes....hahahha....finished edi...i took a look....and it looked like sesame biscuit....xD from far, u might tink tat's a sesame biscuit....just tat, it's size may be a "little" bigger....xD when the ingredients were well mixed and was beat till smooth....we poured in the mixed ingredients and took the apple slices and started arranging them on the crust ( the base ) ... and repeated the process a few times....so it will be like a few layer ~ =) finally, we put into the oven n wait for it to be baked....=P

the mess we created....xD

i told u it looked like a sesame biscuit ! X)

after blending....smooth edi...=P

before bake....can u see a bit bulge up thing ?? tats the green apple....xD

it smelled so nice ~ awwww.....X)

after bake ~ i love my apple pie cheesecake ! =3

it looked smooth when we put in...but a little bit of the sides was slightly burnt...cuz the apple slices are there....but it's ok ! we tested ! it's still nice...=P din hangus....dun judge it by it's look ! it smelled so nice....i wanna eat it ! but must wait till monday....=/ *patient sin yee...patient.... while waiting for the cake....we start off with our cookies...uugghh.....the bitter one...=S we followed the exact amount written on the paper....and it turned out bitter...wat the heck....next time dun follow too much ! they'll ruin ur effort.... i tink it's probably because too much amount of the cocoa powder tat it turned bitter...=S and when we mixed all the ingredients....it didn't became dough....it's still so powdery tat it wouldn't stick to one shape at all...easily broken kind....crap !

our apple pie cheesecake....not as hangus as the pic ok....it's very nice !

so we added in water and butter...and finally it became dough and we started shaping them....=P and decorated it with choco chips .... X) sze's making SHAPES....love la... star la... triangle... square... and the common circle...LOL ! for the first round....the cookies were burnt...i meant HANGUS....=/ T^T sob...sob....NO ~~~~~~~~~ *wail ewwwwwwwww..........disgustingly bitter....yaiks ! i suggest tat we eat it with sugar....i sprinkled on some and took a bite...well, it taste much better than without sugar....but it's still a bit bitter....and the bitterness just lingered inside ur mouth...not wanting to leave....yucks ! they suck....*vomit i cannot tahan....and end up drinking my water non stop.... so we decided to change the recipe a little bit....we added sugar on top for the second round....lowered the temp....and didn't bake tat long.... it end up much better.... =) even though ther's still a slight tinge of bitterness....but overall...it's OK .... =D cuz it's much sweeter now....hahahahahahaha....

my plate of choco chips....X)

okie....dun mind the look....

argghh....ignore the hangus 1....it's goin into the dustbin !

cui said it's not tat bad too ! xD so we named it ----- snow chocolate chip ! lol....cuz the sugar sprinkled on top made it looked like snow.... =P hehe.... LOL ! oh ya....sze's one and only star had a broken leg....awwwww xD lol....is tis wat we learn in form 3 science ? the process of REGENERATION ?!?! xD i ate quite a lot of the first round cookies ( the yucky one...bitter gila.... ) cuz dun wan waste mah....but at last i can't take it....too much of it....and it's too bitter...can't tahan... i dipped it with sugar....but still....the bitterness....arrgghhh...the taste ! it's not leaving ! =( finally, we had it dumped into the dustbin....wat to do....no 1 wants it mah.... so we had mi sedap after tat...which is quite sedap actually...=P wakakakaka....

second round choco chip cookies....much better....

own recipe ~ snow choco chip ! =P

sze's one and onli star was having a broken leg...xD ( a black patrick ?! XD)

starfish cookie under going the process of regeneration...xD

awwww.....i love mi sedap ! ;) deli-cious ~~~

lol ~ and guess wat we did later....we went to watch ...erm...quite childish show....xD hahaha.....it's on screen wat....so we just watch la....xD sleeping beauty n spongebob ! xD hahahahahah......yea yea....i noe...i noe...laugh la...laugh la...laugh as much as u wan la.... unbelievable, i can member the plot of the sleeping beauty story...their names ( some of them ) , wat they will do next....wat they'll say....hahahahahah.....oh ya ! tis is funny....we'rehavin tis conversation....and i said i m young then she asked back me "i m miang....??" and i said yes....cuz i heard she say young instead of "miang" ....wat the heck ! she asked me twice n i still heard young....and replied her yes...LOL ~ hearing prob....my ans, obviously,sets her off laughing more...xD hmmmm....tat time i was sharing cendol with sze....a bit too sweet....so i added some water...=P wah....today i ate so much....later sure gain weight lor....cham edi...=S go back ate spaghetti with mushroom and herb pasta summore....yummy but fattening at the same time ~ X~X

sleeping beauty ~

the evil witch ~

spongbob ~ =O

we ate cendol....but we didn't eat tis la...xD

spaghetti ~~ but not exactly same as tis pic la....

aunty Soo Lee went outstation ...away for 2 or 3 weeks....so i'll most probably be followin mich to church....
alrite...tats all for now...i wanna continue other work of mine.... =P keke...